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Big Horn - Site Prep Continued

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

Continuation of site prep and stabilization. Today we observed additional erosion control and silt fence installation, along with the rock "rip rap" construction entrance.

Site work included the removal of old tree stumps and stabilizing the soil to prepare for larger excavation equipment.

Next steps include having a surveyor visit this site and lay out pins / stakes for the foundation crew. Stay tuned, this project will be a great one to watch!

Casey observing the progress
Casey observing the progress

Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin
Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin

Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin
Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin

Annual (temporary) rye grass helps retain the sandy loam from run-off. We also find its a somewhat of a courtesy to the neighbors too.

Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin
Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin

Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin
Aerial of construction progress and Lake Austin


To learn more about this exciting project, please check out our project page.

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