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Lakeway Lease House - Foundation Updates

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

Waterproofing and Grade Beams
Waterproofing and Grade Beams

Concrete forms are typically built new out of plywood and dimensional wood or can be rented and reused on multiple sites. After their use, new forms can either be recycled and the wood reused to sheath the new structure. In some cases, forms are only used once and are then thrown out. When forms are not reused or recycled to sheath the new structure, these forms can be the source of large volumes of construction waste.

Waterproofing and Grade Beams
Waterproofing and Grade Beams

Foundation waterproofing is a significant part of house construction. Waterproofing your foundation can prevent water from leaking into the home and minimize damage to walls and wall paint. New construction foundation waterproofing also helps to protect the outside of your house.

Waterproofing and Grade Beams
Waterproofing and Grade Beams
Waterproofing and Grade Beams
Waterproofing and Grade Beams

Above is the placement of interior grade beams. Due to the soil conditions, this sometimes required "bagging" to temporary shore up the grade beams.


To learn more about this exciting project, please check out our project page.

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